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Opportunities for Involvement

Getting involved with the Coalition on any level will significantly impact our Community, Families, and Schools. Scroll down to see all the other ways you can get involved.



Wheat Ridge Needs You

“No Act of Kindness, No Matter How Small, Is Ever Wasted”  Aesop

There are many ways to contribute to our strong community, you can volunteer your time, or fill a need.  Either way, you are a vital part of our community.  Check out all the opportunities here

Volunteer Fill a Need


Donate Now

Donations are always welcome and much appreciated.  100% of your donation will go toward the work of the coalition, Creating Strong Community, Strong Schools. If you would like it to go toward a specific program or event, please note that when completing the donation.


Requests (Organizations Only)

Does your organization have the supplies, support, and aid needed to make a genuine, positive difference in the lives of our Wheat Ridge Families? Please fill out the form to request assistance with filling a need or providing you needed resources. If its volunteers you need, please fill out the Request Volunteers form and we can begin equipping your program or specific event with a friendly, committed volunteer team.

Request Resources Request Volunteers

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