Elementary School Outreach in Wheat Ridge, CO
Wheat Ridge Coalition works closely with our local elementary schools to ensure children and families are a vital, active part in our Wheat Ridge Community.
Peak Expeditionary at Pennington
4617 Independence St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Peak Expeditionary School cultivates a challenging, exploratory, and exciting learning environment for pre-K through fifth-grade students. Students learn and thrive while hiking, biking, climbing, and traversing Colorado’s beautiful landscapes. Peak’s relationships with community outreach organizations enrich students learning and provide them with the academic, social, and emotional intelligence needed to grow. Its curriculum is interdisciplinary, teaching students how language, science, arts, and other disciplines intersect and correlate with each other. Peak’s comprehensive learning approach strives to cultivate skills, character, and exceptional work from its students.
3085 Alkire St, Golden, CO 80401, USA
4617 Independence St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
3400 Pierson St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
7101 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
2300 Urban St, Lakewood, CO 80215, USA